Space Weapons: Concerns and Global Stances
Ronit Agarwal
. 3 min read
The term "space weapons" refers to the weapons that are used in "space warfare." They consist of anti-satellite weapons, which are able to attack targets on earth from space, as well as weapons that are able to attack targets on earth from space and disable missiles that are traveling through space. As part of the process of militarization of space, these types of weapons were primarily developed by the contending superpowers during the time of the Cold War. With the advancements in technology and the increasing importance of space as a strategic domain, the expertise and ingenuity of developers continue to shape the landscape of space warfare and its potential implications for global security.

Why do We Need Weapons in Space?
1. The desire to achieve complete military superiority across all fronts of the conflict.
2. A lack of confidence in the ability of the current missile defense system to intercept an intercontinental ballistic missile.
3. To protect assets in space from anti-satellite weapons that are being launched (ASAT).
4. Dominance in space is a necessary component of victory in other theaters of conflict, including the sea, the air, and the land
Example: The deployment of satellites with the intention of attacking enemy satellites; the use of ground-based direct ascent missiles to attack space assets; the jamming of signals transmitted from enemy satellites; the use of lasers to disable enemy satellites; and the deployment of satellites to attack targets on Earth.
In today's world, the utilization of space for a wide variety of civilian and military purposes is of the utmost significance.
1. Something that is used, intended, or designed for employment in, to, or from outer space with the purpose of inflicting injury or damage on the adversary while engaged in armed conflict is a key component of the concept of a space weapon.
2. The Outer Space Treaty's Article IV stipulates that the states that have ratified it cannot station nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction in outer space, cannot install these types of weapons on celestial bodies.
3. This does not prohibit the following: the use of conventional space weapons that have a nuclear power source; the deployment of conventional weapons in outer space
How China is Arming Its Satellites And Space Program?
At the launch of the Shenzhou X manned mission in June 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech to the crew of the spacecraft and told them that China would make greater strides in the field of space exploration in order to realize its "space dream." On another occasion, the President of China asked scientists to assist in realizing China's dream of becoming a global space giant on "space day," which was celebrated for the first time in China on April 24, 2016 and marked as "space day."
Turkey is Opposed to the Weaponization of Space
"The use of space, like the use of any advanced technology, has two sides: on the one hand, we have the option of employing this technology for the betterment of humanity; on the other hand, we can choose to employ it for the purposes of conflict and devastation. The peaceful exploration and utilization of space is a priority for Turkey, and it will continue to be so. We are opposed to the militarization of space, and we have no desire for there to be any wars or conflicts in the space arena.
Who are against the "Weaponization" of outer space include: India to UN
Outer space should not become a battlefield, according to India, which has called for concerted efforts to improve the safety and security of space-based assets. India has expressed its opposition to the "weaponization" of space, saying that it should not be used in that way. According to Bhandari, "India believes that outer space should be an ever expanding frontier of cooperative endeavor rather than a region of conflict."
In conclusion, the development and deployment of space weapons has been primarily driven by the desire for military superiority and the need to protect assets in space. However, the militarization of space has raised concerns about the potential for an arms race and the destabilization of global security. While some countries, such as China, have invested heavily in their space program. As space continues to play an increasingly important role in our daily lives, it is essential that efforts are made to ensure its peaceful use for the betterment of humanity.
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